Friday, 17 December 2021

my vector art

 My vector art is Lebron James. This challenge was a lot harder than I expected and took me a couple of tries to get it right. My 3 tips: 1: make sure your image is lined up (as you can see I had some trouble) 2: try and get the colours as closely matched as possible 3: keep trying don't give up! 😉😄😉


  1. Ata Mārie Jacob!

    Chris here, from the Summer Learning Journey blog commenting team.

    Love the positive energy in this one! Tēnā koe for explaining your steps and giving helpful Vector Art tips as well! Did you enjoy the activity?

    I think your art actually looks really cool, in a unique way. Is Lebron James your favourite basketball player?

    Can’t wait to see what else you post over the next five weeks!

    Ngā mihi!

  2. Kia ora Jacob, Matua Jacob here! First off, great name! Only the coolest of cool people get to be called Jacob so well done to you ;p

    Secondly, I absolutely love your Vector art of Lebron James! I think that although you might have found it tricky, what you have created is really cool and a great start to being able to get really good at doing vector art! You have managed to capture LJ's form and the little details that make him unique. My biggest tip for you when creating Vector art is to use the Zoom in feature in google draw.

    This allows you to go in really close so you can capture the details easily. The last tip I can give is, to just take your time with creating it. Some Images are easier than others but when I create my Vector art it can take a couple of hours or a whole day depending on what I choose.

    Keep it up and good luck for the rest of your SLJ!

  3. ​​Kia ora Jacob,

    My name is Fiona and I am a Manaiakalani facilitator based in Taranaki. It is great to see that you are getting involved in the summer learning journey and having a go at the step it up activity.

    I think you have done a fabulous job of your vector art. It can be a bit frustrating the first couple of times, and I think you have done a great job of persevering to create this awesome artwork. Well done. I really like the way you have shared your top tips too - these would be really helpful for someone having a go at vector art for the first time. I was wondering about your choice of hero - do you play basketball yourself?

    Keep up the great work. I look forward to seeing more great quality posts from you during the summer learning journey.

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Fiona Waugh

    1. yes I absolutely love basketball and will play at any opportunity that is why I chose Lebron James for this activity.


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